International Archaeological Science and Experimental Archaeology Conferences and Symposiums: July - December 2019

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E-mail the event name, date, location, and a brief description with contact, submission, and registration information to or make a comment on this blog post. The calendar will be updated through December 2019.
1st Latin American Radiocarbon Conference (CLARa)
July 29-August 2, 2019
Niterói - RJ, Brazil
The first Latin American Radiocarbon Conference (CLARa) is an important step for the Latin American radiocarbon community, which only obtained its first ¹⁴C-AMS laboratory in 2009 (LAC-UFF) in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. A second ¹⁴C-AMS laboratory (LEMA) in Mexico led to the expansion of radiocarbon research in Latin America. CLARa will be an opportunity for the international radiocarbon community to embrace the Latin American colleagues through a series of talks and discussions, contributing to the development of a solid network of collaborators working in the most diverse themes and applications of the technique.
More info:
Abstract submission is closed.
June 14, 2019: Early bird registration deadline
UK Luminescence Meeting 2019
August 26-28, 2019
Roskilde, Denmark
UKLUM2019DK will be hosted by the Luminescence Physics group at The Centre for Nuclear Technologies, Technical University of Denmark. It will be held at the Risø Campus from 26th-28th August 2019. The meeting will provide an informal forum for discussion of luminescence and electron spin resonance research, with an emphasis on recent developments, ongoing research and student projects. There will be ample place for posters, and both oral and poster presentations are encouraged. We look forward to a full, interesting and varied programme.
More info:
June 30, 2019: Abstract submission deadline
July 15, 2019: Registration deadline
RAA2019 - 10th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology
September 3-7, 2019
Potsdam, Germany
Since the beginning in 2001, the RAA conferences promote Raman Spectroscopy and play an important role in increasing the field of its applications in Art, Archaelogy and cultural heritage. This scientific congress brings together researchers from diverse areas and represents dedicated work on the use of Raman spectroscopy technique in the fields of art history, history, archaeology, palaeontology, conservation and restoration, museology, degradation of cultural heritage, archaeometry, etc. Furthermore, the development of new instrumentation, especially for non-invasive measurements, has received great attention in the past years. RAA conferences are highly regarded within the community of Raman spectroscopy, in art and archaeology, and other disciplines to which Raman spectroscopy can provide useful input. A consistently high standard is maintained in the selection of sessions and papers for these events. Selected papers presented at this conference RAA 2019 will be published, after a peer review process, in a special issue of the Journal of Raman Spectroscopy.
More info:
Abstract submission is closed.
June 21, 2019: Early registration deadline
June 25, 2019: Registration deadline for authors
September 2, 2019: Register in-person at conference
Craftsmen and Metalworking in Medieval Cities: 35 Years Later
September 12-14, 2019
Paris, France
The symposium Craftsmen and Metalworking in Medieval Cities: 35 Years Later addresses the metallurgies of iron, copper, tin, lead and precious metals, which produced a wide variety of objects necessary for urban life at the end of the Middle Ages. The nature, volume and possible standardization of production may be studied, as well as the needs of the city, the practices and techniques of craftsmen, their knowledge and know-how. The relationships between the crafts and between the craftsmen themselves might be examined, including dependency links, pluriactivity, networks of sociability or local relationships in urban areas. The identity and regulation of these crafts, their integration into urban society, their relationship with the surrounding rural areas and with other cities may also be revisited. The symposium will be interdisciplinary in nature, promoting dialogue between historians, archaeologists and archaeometry, without excluding anthropological approaches to learning and knowledge.
More info:
Abstract submission is closed.
European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC) 2019
September 16-19, 2019
Barcelona, Spain
The European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC) is a biennial conference convening scholars and young researchers with diverse academic backgrounds from both the humanities and sciences. The goal of the meeting is to promote interdisciplinary and integrated studies of ancient ceramics covering various aspects ranging from production, dissemination and use to post-depositional alteration and conservation. Methodological developments, new approaches and scientific advances are presented in terms of analytical and measuring techniques, data processing and interpretation.
More info: and
Abstract submission is closed.
June 1st, 2019: Early registration closes.
Sessions at Geological Society of America 2019
September 22-25, 2019
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
The Geoarchaeology Division of the Geological Society of America is co-sponsoring the following sessions and events at GSA 2019:
- T7. Potential for Geopark development in Saudi Arabia
- T12. Cordilleran Ice Sheet through the Quaternary: chronology, paleoenvironments, and implications
- T70. New advances in using near-surface geophysics to solve geological problems
- T124. Advances in ocean and climate reconstructions from environmental proxies
- T125. The geologic substrate on which Maya civilization developed
- T126. Geoarchaeological insights into paleoenvironmental reconstruction and cultural dynamics
- T175. Geology and ethnology of the Canyon Lands
- You can also submit to the Archaeological Geology general session (discipline session).
- Field trip, led by our 2018 Rapp Awardee, Gary Huckleberry: Geoarchaeology of Prehistoric Agriculture, Soils, & Floodplain Dynamics on the Lower Salt & Middle Gila Rivers, AZ. Cost is $185.
More info on GSA 2019:
Contact the Geoarchaeology Division of GSA on social media:
June 25th, 2019: Abstract submission deadline -
August 19th, 2019: Early registration deadline -
Contact the Geoarchaeology Division of GSA on social media:
June 25th, 2019: Abstract submission deadline -
August 19th, 2019: Early registration deadline -
October 7-12, 2019
Montréal, Canada
The 13th Meetings of the Worked Bone Research Group (WBRG) will be hosted by the University of Montréal, Canada, on October 7-12, 2019. The leading theme of the conference is “Archaeozoology meets archaeometry“, as the conference’s main sponsor is the ArchéoScience/ArchéoSociale research group (AS2), which promotes the development of the archaeological sciences in anthropological perspectives. We are now calling for sessions and papers. Although we would like to see as many papers and sessions addressing the main theme of the conference as possible, other subjects related to worked bone studies will be considered. Being hosted by a bilingual city in a bilingual country, the conference will accept papers in either English or French. Proposals and questions should be sent to:
More info:
Abstract submission is closed.
Hellenic Society of Archaeometry 7th Symposium: “Archaeology-Archaeometry: 30 years later”
October 9-12, 2019
Athens, Greece
The Board of the Hellenic Society of Archaeometry (HSA) announces the organization of the 7th Symposium on Archaeometry which will be held at the Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens, The forthcoming Symposium is a continuation of the six previous relevant events that were held successfully by the HSA in the past, and is expected to stand as breeding ground for scientific enquiry, dissemination of new knowledge, dialogue between specialists coming from various disciplines, and for training. The thematic units of the 7th Symposium surround the following issues: a) dating and palaeo-environment, b) geophysical prospection, c) ceramic and vitreous materials, d) ancient and prehistoric metallurgy, e) lithics, with an emphasis on marbles, plasters and pigments, and g) biomaterials - bioarchaeology. In addition, it is desirable to include a special thematic session on archaeoseismology, geoarchaeology and on issues of precision in absolute dating. Although the Symposium focuses on the presentation of original archaeometric papers related to investigations conducted in the Greek region, it is also expected to have a strong international character with announcements referring to the broader eastern Mediterranean area, including Cyprus.
More info:
July 1, 2019: Abstract submission deadline
Until August 30, 2019: Early registration: 80 €, Students: 50€.
After August 30: Late registration: 100 € and 80 € respectively.
Symposium - "Chemistry in Art and Archaeology" at SciX 2019
October 13-18, 2019 (SAS symposium on Monday, October 14)
Palm Springs, California, USA
"Chemistry in Art and Archaeology" is annual invited speaker symposium sponsored by The Society for Archaeological Sciences at The Great Scientific Exchange (SciX). SciX is a multi-society annual conference organized by the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS). Since 2019, SAS has been a full member society of FACSS and all SAS members are eligible for discounted registration fees at SciX. This year the symposium will feature 8 invited speakers. The symposium serves as a showcase for diverse applications of instrumental chemistry to cutting edge questions in cultural heritage.
More info on SciX:
July 31, 2019: General abstract submission closes.
Advance registration is open and continues until on-site registration at the conference:
Symposium - "Ceramic Ecology XXXIII: Advances in Ceramic Research" at the 2019 AAA/CASCA Conference
November 22, 2019
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Ceramic Ecology was first organized during the 1986 AAA meetings at the suggestion of Fredrick R. Matson. Its aim was, and continues to be, to foster interdisciplinary and international interactions among scholars and practicing potters alike to push the boundaries of what can be understood about ceramics, the humans that make and use them, and their many material/ecological/social/aesthetic/cosmological/political interactions. As such, this session welcomes a wider variety of papers.
The papers in this session can:
- Focus on the presentation of new, or improved archaeological, archaeometric, experimental, art historical, or ethnographic methods and techniques for the analysis of ceramic materials.
- Seek to evaluate data derived from the application of these methods in archaeological, ethnoarchaeological, art historical, ethnographic, and experimental settings from around the world, using diverse theoretical approaches, to answer a wide variety of questions, ranging from exchange and provenance, to the economic organization of production and consumption, communities/constellations of practice, landscape perceptions and utilization, processes of identification, ritual, social and political organization, etc.
- Focus on the theory and practice of ceramic analysis and interpretation in collaboration with indigenous communities, as well as in the context of heritage, museum, and/or public archaeology projects.
More info: (keyword: ceramic)
October 31, 2019: Standard registration deadline (
Paleoradiology Workshop
November 30-December 4, 2019
Zagreb, Croatia
The paleoradiology workshop will bring radiological methods closer to physical anthropologists/bioarchaeologists and archaeologists. Although paleoradiology was born almost simultaneously with radiology it is still underused in paleopathology and archaeology. Even when used it is highly unstandardized, especially when using CT. The participants will be able to bring their own material to scan it during the workshop and to learn basic information on the use of X-ray, mobile X-ray, CT, micro CT and post-processing with a hands-on approach during five days in clinical and field settings.
More info:
Price: 350 euro. In order to enroll in the workshop, pay 100 euros at time of registration, while the rest can be paid in installments or on site upon arrival. See the website for payment details.
2019 IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
December 4 - 6, 2019
Florence, Italy
MetroArchaeo brings together researchers and operators in the enhancement, characterization and preservation of archaeological and cultural heritage with the main objective of discussing production, interpretation and reliability of measurements and data. The conference is conceived to foster exchanges of ideas and information, create collaborative networks and update innovations on “measurements” suitable for cultural heritage for archaeologists, conservators and scientists. All contributions will be peer reviewed on the basis of a full length manuscript and acceptance will be based on quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be published in the Workshop Proceedings and extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post publication.
More info:
July 5, 2019: Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
November 18, 2019: Final Paper Submission Deadline
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