Abstracts for contributions to the technical sessions are due August 11.
From the website of the Geological Society of America:
- T12. Holocene Alluvial Records: New Investigations of Archives of Millennial Change
GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division
Tammy Rittenour, Joel Pederson - This session provides a venue for reporting new approaches and records regarding Holocene fluvial archives of millennial-scale and shorter-term climate response. Papers may include aspects of fluvial geomorphology, cosmogenic sediment yield, paleoflood hydrology, geoarchaeology, and geochronology.
- Geomorphology; Quaternary Geology; Archaeological Geology
- Submit an abstract to this session
- T69. Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR-Applications for Solving Stratigraphic and Geoarchaeological Problems
Kelsey S. Bitting - Applications of ground-penetrating radar (GPR-to near-surface stratigraphic and geoarchaeological problems are wide ranging, but GPR remains under utilized. This session will bring attention to this technology and provide an opportunity to showcase unique and innovative methodologies.
- Stratigraphy; Geophysics/Tectonophysics/Seismology; Archaeological Geology
- Submit an abstract to this session
- T131. Ancient Coastal and Subsea Sites: New Findings and Problems
GSA Archaeological Geology Division; Smithsonian Institution
Jean-Daniel Stanley , Daniel F. Belknap - The session focuses on ancient land sites and former anthropogenic features now submerged off world coasts, a topic directly applicable for archaeologists working offshore, sea-level change specialists and managers formulating protections measures for vulnerable coastlines.
- Archaeological Geology
- Submit an abstract to this session
- T153. Geoarchaeology and Late Quaternary Landscapes of North American River Valleys
GSA Archaeological Geology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division
Todd Grote, Lara Homsey - This session will focus on recent interdisciplinary investigations of North American river valleys occurring from the landscape to site-specific scale. Submissions should contribute to understanding the archaeological record and late Quaternary lowland landscapes.
- Archaeological Geology; Geomorphology; Quaternary Geology
- Submit an abstract to this session
- T154. Geoarchaeology, Reconstructions of Paleoenvironments and Past Human- Environment Interactions
GSA Archaeological Geology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; Paleontological Society
Kathleen Nicoll, Catherine Yansa - Analysis of sediment and fossil records inform interpretations of cultural activity and Late Neogene-Quaternary environments. This session welcomes interdisciplinary papers on geoarchaeology and allied methodologies that reconstruct past landscapes, environments, and the human footprint on natural systems.
- Archaeological Geology; Geomorphology; Quaternary Geology
- Submit an abstract to this session
- T155. Geochemical Geoarchaeology: Artifacts and Contexts
GSA Archaeological Geology Division
Katherine A. Adelsberger, Cynthia M. Fadem - Geochemical methods increasingly provide the critical tools for understanding paleoenvironments, site formation processes, and human behavioral decisions. This session will highlight the variety of geochemical methods used in geoarchaeology across cultural and temporal boundaries.
- Archaeological Geology; Geochemistry; Quaternary Geology
- Submit an abstract to this session
- T156. New Advances in the Theory and Application of Luminescent and ESR Dating
GSA Archaeological Geology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division, GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division, Paleontological Society, GSA Structure Geology and Tectonics Division
Bonnie A.B. Blackwell, Joel Blickstein - This session will hightlight new theoretical developments and their applications within geology, paleontology, and archaeology for the thermoluminescent, optically stimulated luminescent, and ESR dating methods, including new applications for dating barnacles, foraminifera, and sedimentary deposits.
- Archaeological Geology; Quaternary Geology; Paleontology, Biogeography/Biostratigraphy
- Submit an abstract to this session
- T157. Obsidian from Magma to Artifact: Geological and Archaeological Perspectives
GSA Archaeological Geology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; Geochemical Society
Ellery Frahm, Joshua Feinberg - This session brings together archaeologists and geoscientists from diverse fields -- geochemistry, igneous petrology, volcanology, geomorphology, and more -- to present on the topic of obsidian research, from magma formation and eruption to dating and sourcing artifacts.
- Archaeological Geology; Petrology, Igneous; Volcanology
- Submit an abstract to this session
Sessions where Discipline Category = Archaeological Geology
Field trips related to archaeology:
- 405. Geology and Geo-Archaeology of Hells Canyon, Oregon and Idaho
Wed.-Sat. 14-17 Oct. US$850 (B, L, D, R, 3ON).
Cosponsored by Oregon Paleo Lands Institute.
Leader: Ellen M. Bishop, Oregon Paleo Lands Institute. - This adventurous trip explores Hells Canyon—North America’s deepest gorge—jet-boating through Class 4 rapids, with three days in a rugged, legendary landscape. Hells Canyon marks a dominant Pacific Northwest (PNW) suture between North America and accreted terranes. The canyon offers an extensive record of Native Northwest cultures dating to nearly 11,000 years ago, where geology and Native history intersect. Geology emphasizes the growth of the PNW cordillera and the evolution of understanding active margin accretionary processes. Archeology emphasizes Sahaptian and Numic sites in one of North America’s most harsh yet bountiful areas, along with cultural effects of climate shifts, and Nez Perce/Lewis & Clark sites. Schedule: Day 1: Travel to Clarkston, Washington, USA; Day 2: Jet boat into Hells Canyon—Kirkwood area, Cougar Bar, with overnight at Copper Creek Lodge; Day 3: Explore Deep Creek and High Bar with overnight at Copper Creek Lodge; Day 4: Explore Eureka Bar, then return to Clarkston and on to Portland with late arrival.
- 418. Archaeology and Geomorphology of the Oregon Coastal Zone
Fri.–Sat., 16–17 Oct. US$225 (L, R, 1ON).
Cosponsored by GSA’s Archaeological Geology Division.
Leaders: Loren Davis, Oregon State University; Steve Jenevein; Jay Noller. - The Pacific Corridor for an-American transhumanance is focus of this field trip along the central coastal zone of Oregon. Archaeology will be demonstrated and discussed in the context of paleoenvironmental interpretation of several complex sections involving marine terrace cover sediments, coastal eolian dunes, Coast Range debris flows, estuarine and fluvial deposits, ghost forests, and soils. The chronology of events sealing archaeological deposits, including floods, slope failures, and tsunamis will be presented, and evidence supporting the current understanding of the Coastal Corridor will be discussed.
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