Inter-University/Weizmann Institute Program in Archaeological Science
The Kimmel Center for Archaeological Science was established at the Weizmann Institute in 1996, toward the purpose of educating a new generation of archaeologists who would be familiar with both the natural sciences and archaeology, in the belief that this is an important future trend in the field of archaeology. The Kimmel Center has an active program, with 6 PhD students currently enrolled. The Center's activities have impacted the field of archaeology in Israel and abroad, in that there are collaborations and interactions with archaeologists, some inter-university/Weizmann Institute courses, several major research programs, and continued interest from potential students to enter the program. While we intend to continue the PhD educational program, we have now broadened the scope of the Center’s activities, in the hope that we will be able to more effectively contribute to the archaeological establishment in Israel and world-wide.
Director of Program:
Prof Steve Weiner, Department of Structural Biology
Weizmann Institute
Rehovot 76100 Israel
Telephone: 972-8-9342552
E-mail: steve.weiner@weizmann.ac.il
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