By Laure Dussubieux, The Field Museum
Each March 15 and Sept. 15.
The Elemental Analysis Facility (EAF) at the Field Museum is developing for the period 2020-2023, a new NSF subsidized program to enhance outside collaborations in its LA-ICP-MS laboratory. Proposal must be received by March 15 and September 15, each year.
The EAF hosts a Thermo ICAP Q inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) attached to a new ESI-Elemental Scientific Lasers NW213 laser with a 10 cm x 10 cm x 2 cm chamber. Complementing the ICP-MS instrumentation, the EAF also hosts a LEO EVO 60 XVP Scanning Electron Microscope with an environmental chamber equipped with an Oxford Inca Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy system, two portable XRF systems and a digital imaging petrographic microscope.
This NSF funded program aims at facilitating the access of the EAF to researchers and students by offering funding to offset 2/3 of the LA-ICP-MS analytical costs. Researchers should indicate whether they will be in residence at the Museum to run their samples, or whether they are requesting Museum staff to undertake the analysis. In some cases, students from outside the Chicago area are eligible for limited funding for travel and accommodation. Students requesting travel funding should submit a travel budget.
A panel including outside and Field Museum scholars will review proposals. All parties who wish to undertake a collaborative project in the lab should forward a short proposal (4 pages) for consideration. The proposal should address the research problem, the size of the specimens, and the type, number, and contexts of the samples, whether the scholar will be in residence and travel budget if appropriate. Curriculum vitae for the principal collaborator(s) should also be included. You should inquire with Laure Dussubieux, lab manager, before submitting any proposal at
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