Archaeological Science Conference and Workshop Calendar 2020: Part A

Archaeological Science Conference and Workshop Calendar 2020:
Part A (January-June, and a bit of July)
If it’s early December it must be time to announce our roundup of international archaeological science and related events for the first half of the new year.  As always, this calendar is a work in progress.  The SAS has scoured the websites of other societies, waded through professional and university e-mail listservs, and bugged our colleagues for tips about upcoming events - which means that we have found some pretty cool stuff but have almost certainly missed some too.  If you know of an event – a conference, a symposium at a conference, a workshop or other training/continuing education opportunity – that our membership will find relevant and that we have missed leave a comment on this post with details and/or a link to the applicable website.  Or reach out to SAS with a direct message to our Facebook page:

Be aware: All event details described here are as provided on the website of the event organizers at the time of original publication of this calendar. Deadlines and other details are subject to change and readers are strongly urged to monitor the applicable event websites.  This calendar will be updated with additional events as SAS becomes aware of them, until June 2020, but details for the events listed at the time of publication will not be updated unless SAS is contacted with new information by the event organizers.

2020 Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America
Location: Washington, DC, USA
Event dates: January 2-5, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
All session and abstract submissions are closed (multiple deadlines in 2019) at time of publication.
Registration is open at the full rate; no further deadlines (early bird closed November 8, 2019).
Relevant sessions (see listed papers for these and all sessions at the website):
Session 1E: Open Session - Prehistoric Trade in the Mediterranean
Session 2B: Open Session - Connecting Sherds to Big Questions in the Mediterranean
Session 2H: Workshop - Provenance Research in Museum Collections: Display, Education, and Publication
Session 4A: Open Session - Consumption and Exposure in the Roman World
Session 4E: Open Session - Graves, Cemeteries and Skeletons
Session 5K: Workshop - Examining Ancient Color Through the Lens of Materials Analysis
Session 7D: Colloquium - Advances in Mycenaean Bioarchaeology

Workshop on Cultural and Natural Heritage at ESRF-EBS
Location: Grenoble, France
Event dates: January 22-24, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
Abstract submission closed July 11, 2019. Registration deadline is December 15, 2019.
Conference topics:
X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
X-ray diffraction (XRD)
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS)
X-Ray Tomography
See final program here:

Integrated Microscopy Approaches in Archaeobotany 2020
Location: Reading, United Kingdom
Event dates: February 15-16, 2020
Important pre-event dates: Abstract submission is closed; registration opening is forthcoming.
Relevant sessions and workshops:
Agricultural revolutions and crop developments
Plants, pests and parasites
Reference collections in archaeobotany
Microscopy session: Plants, pests and parasites
Fluorescence microscopy to examine organic remains in thin section
Microscopy session: Crop remains and features of agriculture in soils and sediments microscopy
Archaeobotany of unusual materials
New methodological innovations and developments in archaeobotany
Microscopy session: archaeobotany of unusual materials
Microscopy session: Bioturbation for archaeobotany
Microscopy session: Charcoal and Wood macroremains
Round table discussion on phytolith extraction methods

Short Course in Radiocarbon Dating and Bayesian Chronological Analysis
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom
Event dates: March 16-18, 2020
Important pre-event dates: Course registration closes March 9, 2020 at 10 AM local time.
Course major themes:
Introduction to Radiocarbon Dating
Radiocarbon calibration and Bayesian analysis
Bayesian analysis of environmental chronologies

ArchSci2020: On the edge, new directions in Circumpolar Archaeology
Location: Groningen, Netherlands
Event dates: March 23-25, 2020
Important pre-event dates: None listed; registration is open and limited to 120.
Relevant sessions (all):
Human-Animal-Environment Interactions
Technology (Innovation, Dispersal and Exchange)
Diet, Health and Human Biographies
Chronology, Demography and Cultural Transitions 

Association for Environmental Archaeology Spring Meeting 2020: Open Science Practices in Environmental Archaeology
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom
Event dates: March 28, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
Abstract submission closed on December 13, 2019.
No dates or deadlines for registration listed; contact the organizers here with inquiries:
All aspects of Environmental Archaeology have a shared reliance on the creation, curation and analysis of quantitative datasets – from counts of molluscs and pollen, to isotope ratios and morphometrics. Too often, this data is hidden behind paywalls, difficult to reuse or simply not made available. This conference will discuss the current state of data in Environmental Archaeology and how open science practices can improve the reliability and reproducibility of research. Issues to be discussed include the standardisation of data recording, data sharing, data repositories, linked open data, the creation and longevity of databases and reproducible analysis (Rstats).

4th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology
Location: Paris, France
Event dates: April 14-17, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
Abstract submission is closed.
Notification of abstract acceptance: January 20, 2020
Early registration fees: before February 29, 2020
Conference themes:
Comprehension of materials and techniques involved in Cultural Heritage
Degradation mechanisms and conservation strategies
Technological developments and data analysis

48th International Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom
Event dates: April 14-17, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
Abstract submission closed November 14, 2019. Submission decisions on December 31, 2019.
Conference registration not open at time of publication and date not listed, but check the website in early February based on previous conferences.
Relevant conference sessions:
Too many to list here; see website:

85th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology
Location: Austin, Texas, USA
Event dates: April 22-26, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
Abstract submission is closed.
December 5, 2019: Participation Decision Letters from Program Committee
December 15, 2019: Preliminary Program Posted Online (hardcopy mailed early January 2020)
January 30, 2020: Membership Renewal Deadline for Current Member Participants
Relevant sessions: Not yet known, but expected to be numerous and diverse.  If you are organizing an archaeological science session at SAA 2020 please reach out to us with details.

Trial by Fire 2020
Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Event dates: May 2-3, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
Deadline for submission of paper and/or poster abstracts to the conference organizers is January 31, 2020.
Topics for abstract submission:
Can fire be considered an artefact?
How can fire be used as an experimental tool moving forward?
How have people engaged with fire over the course of prehistory and history?
What can the analysis of heated and burnt materials tell us about burning

Session at the EGU (European Geoscience Union) General Assembly 2020: “Holocene land-use and land-cover change: advances and applications - from quantifying vegetation change to estimating human impacts on biodiversity”
Location: Vienna, Austria
Event dates: May 3-8, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
The abstract submission deadline is January 15, 2020, 13:00 CET.
Other relevant sessions at EGU 2020: Not yet known; keep an eye on the conference website.

International Application of Archaeological Science Workshop
Location: Jena, Germany
Event dates: May 4-12, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
Application closed on November 10, 2019
Relevant topics: All; see 2019 program for examples:

53rd Canadian Archaeological Association Conference
Location: Edmonton, Canada
Event dates: May 6-9, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
Session proposals must be received no later than midnight (MDT) on December 2, 2019.
Abstract submission and registration not yet open at time of publication.
Relevant topics: Not announced at time of publication, but archaeological science topics highly probable.  Check the conference website in early 2020.

43rd International Symposium on Archaeometry
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Event dates: May 18-22, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
December 16, 2019: New deadline for abstract submission
January 19, 2020: Deadline for abstract acceptance
April 1, 2020: Deadline for payment of registration fee by presenting authors
Conference sessions:
Session 1: Remote Sensing, Geophysical Prospection and Field archaeology
Session 2: Archaeochronometry (organic and inorganic materials)
Session 3: Biological Materials and Bioarchaeology
Session 4: Technology/provenance - stone/pigments/plaster
Session 5: Technology/provenance - ceramics/vitreous/glass
Session 6: Technology/provenance – metals
Session 7: Human-Environment Interactions
Special session - Session 8: Nuclear and Radioactive-based Techniques in Cultural Heritage

National Park Service’s 2020 Archaeological Prospection Workshop: Non-destructive Investigations
Location: Buxton Townsite, Monroe County, Iowa, USA
Event dates: May 18-22, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
All registration forms must be in by close of business on May 1, 2020 but be aware the workshop is capped at 50 participants.  This is not a conference so there is no abstract submission deadline.
Workshop topics:
This workshop is designed to provide a practical application of geophysical equipment and aerial photographic techniques available for the identification, evaluation, and ultimately, the conservation and protection of cultural resources.  The field exercises associated with the course will concentrate on the application of these techniques to archeological investigations.  Instruction will be given in the use, processing, and interpretation of data from magnetometers, conductivity meters, resistivity meters, ground penetrating radar, metal detectors, and magnetic susceptibility instruments and their applications to non-destructive subsurface investigations.  The major emphasis of the training will be on the field use of the equipment.  Instruction will also be offered in the use of and interpretation of aerial photographic techniques, and in the use of low altitude large scale aerial reconnaissance.

Accidental and Experimental Archaeometallurgy 2.0
Location: Dorset, United Kingdom
Event dates: June 5-8, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
Call for presentations forthcoming at time of publication.
Experimentation Proposal Deadline: December 20, 2019
Relevant session and workshops: Not listed at time of publication

World Archaeological Congress 9
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Event dates: July 5-10, 2020
Important pre-event dates:
January 1, 2020 - Session abstracts announced & Call for paper/poster submissions
January 1, 2020 - Registration starts
March 21, 2020 - Deadline for submissions of individual papers and posters
Applicable themes:
G. Archaeologies and Sciences
17. The aDNA Revolution: Its Issues, Potentials, and Implications
Chuan-Chao Wang (Xiamen University, Xiamen, China)
18. A New Bioarchaeology: Telling the Difficult Stories
Charlotte King (University of Otago, New Zealand) in collaboration with: John Krigbaum (University of Florida, USA)
H. Environments
19. Climates of Change and Environmental Pasts
Richard ‘Bert’ Roberts (University of Wollongong, Australia)
20. Water and Ancient Complex Societies
Innocent Pikirayi (University of Pretoria, South Africa) in collaboration with: Federica Sulas (Aarhus University, Denmark)

3rd International Radiocarbon in the Environment Conference
Location: Gliwice, Poland
Event Dates: July 6-10, 2020
Important pre-event dates: None listed at time of publication
Conference sessions:
Radiocarbon and stable isotopes
Anthropogenic changes
Statistical methods

15th European Workshop on Laser Ablation (EWLA2020)
Location: Bern, Switzerland
Event dates: July 7-10, 2020
Important pre-event dates: None listed at time of publication; registration not yet open.
Relevant topics:
Archaeology & Cultural Heritage
