Bayesian Chronological Modeling Workshop at the Smithsonian 10-11 April, 2018

Learn more and register here!

Instructors: Dr. Tony Krus & Dr. Derek Hamilton (University of Glasgow)

Target Audience: Archaeologists interested in interpreting & performing Bayesian chronological modeling

When: 10–11 April (Tuesday & Wednesday), 9:00am–4:30pm each day

Cost: $239 for non-students & $149 for students; $149 for single day attendance & $99 for students (maximum 25 people per day). Lunch, snacks, coffee, and other refreshments will be provided.

The Smithsonian Institution will host its first ever Bayesian Chronological Modeling Workshop for the 83rd Annual Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Meeting in Washington, DC.

Day 1: Bayesian Modeling for Beginners will cover an introduction to radiocarbon dating and Bayesian chronological modeling.

Day 2: Advanced Modeling Techniques will provide more practical work with creating complex models.

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • critically interpret chronological data
  • use Bayesian chronological modeling software
  • model the time and length of archaeological phases
  • publish and critically review models
  • understand advanced modeling techniques

A printed workbook designed for the workshop will also be provided to all participants. Participants are required to bring a laptop to the workshop equipped with OxCal (a free, user friendly software package). Instructions on how to install OxCal locally on your laptop and other important information will be provided after sign-up.
