CALL FOR ABSTRACTS --- Metrology For Archaeology


Metrology For Archaeology
Il crescente interesse verso le nuove tecnologie e le tecniche analitiche, al fine del raggiungimento di conoscenze più dettagliate, ha recentemente incrementato l’utilizzo di un approccio numerico nell’archeologia.
La Prima Conferenza "Metrology for Archaeology" si propone, per tale ragione, come  una rilevante occasione di confronto, a livello internazionale, tra ricerca archeologica e  scienze ‘dure’, al  fine di consolidare una proficua interazione tra specialisti di diversi saperi nel campo dei Beni Culturali. In particolare, la Conferenza coinvolgerà ricercatori e operatori interessati all’intervento sul patrimonio archeologico, con l'obiettivo principale di focalizzare la discussione sulla produzione, interpretazione, affidabilità  e rappresentazione dei dati misurati.
Il workshop è stato, pertanto, progettato per proporre un quadro esaustivo delle molteplici esperienze attuabili nel campo della "misura" attraverso l’approccio integrato delle articolate competenze della comunità scientifica.
Metrology For Archaeology 
The growing interest of archaeological sciences towards new technologies and analytical techniques, has recently improved the use of numerical approach to get more detailed archaeological purpose. The advantages of the multidisciplinary approach have permitted to reduce the level of uncertainty in archaeological studies. The 1St "Metrology for Archaeology" is a significant opportunity for discussion, at the international level, between archaeological research and  'hard' sciences, in order to consolidate a fruitful interaction between specialists from different disciplines in the field of Cultural Heritage.
In particular, the Conference will involve researchers and operators interested in the valorisation, characterisation and preservation of archaeological heritage with the main objective of focusing the discussion on the production, interpretation and reliability of the measured data.
The workshop, was therefore designed, to offer a comprehensive picture of the many experiences in the field of "measure" of the archaeological heritage through the integrated approach of articulated skills of the scientific community. The events will be disseminated within the scientific community, academic and a specific website has been created to publicize initiatives.

Conference Topics
-  Computer Science and Geomatics applied to archaeology
-  Archaeogeophysics
-  Geoarchaeology
-  Production and Food in the ancient Mediterranean
-  Archaeobotany
-  Archaeometry
