[Due to the volume of submissions for the current issue of the Bulletin, only an abbreviated list of upcoming conferences appear in Vol.36, No. 3 (Fall). The complete list of upcoming conferences can be found below.]
Upcoming Conferences
Rachel S. Popelka-Filcoff, Associate Editor
24-26 July. SHARING
CULTURES 2013 3rd International Conference on Intangible
Heritage. Aveiro, Portugal. General information: http://www.sc2013.greenlines-institute.org
5-9 August. 62nd Annual Denver X-Ray
Conference. Westminster, CO, USA. General information: http://www.dxcicdd.com/
5-9 August. Landscape-scale
palaeoecology: towards quantitative reconstruction of landscape-scale
vegetation mosaics from pollen data.
Hull, UK. General information: http://www2.hull.ac.uk/science/gees/news_and_events/events/conferences.aspx
18-21 August. CANQUA-CGRG Biannual Meeting Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada. General information: http://www.canqua.com/meetings. Abstract
deadline: March 30, 2013
20-24 August. International
Symposium on Chert and Other Knappable Materials, Romania. General information: http://arheoinvestsymposium.uaic.ro/stone
Abstract deadline 1 February
25-29 August. Euroanalysis. Warsaw, Poland. General information: http://www.euroanalysis2013.pl/index.php. Abstract
deadline: May 15
28-30 August. RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2013, London, UK.
General information: http://www.rgs.org/WhatsOn/ConferencesAndSeminars/Annual+International+Conference/Annual+international+conference.htm
August. UK Luminescence & ESR Meeting.
Aberystwyth Scotland. General
information: http://earthsci.st-andrews.ac.uk/uklum2013.html/
4-8 September. European Association of Archaeologists. Pilsen, Czech Republic. General information: http://www.eaa2013.cz/
8-12 September. 246th
National Meeting and Exposition, American Chemical Society. Indianapolis IN,
USA. General information: http://www.acs.org
19-21 September. 12th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics
(EMAC2013). Padova, Italy. General information: http://emac2013.geoscienze.unipd.it/
20-21 September. European Society for the Study of Human
Evolution (ESHE) - 3rd Annual Meeting.
Vienna, Austria. General
information: http://www.eshe.eu/meetings.html
29 September to 4
October. SciX Conference (Analytical
Chemistry). Milwaukee, WI, USA. http://www.scixconference.org Abstract
deadline: May 24 for abstracts, poster
abstract July 31
5-6 October. Australasian Society for Historical
Archaeology (ASHA), Paramatta, NSW Australia.
General information: http://www.asha.org.au/2013-conference-sessions-and-program/
16-18 October. LASMAC- 14th Latin American
Symposium on Physics and Chemistry Applied to Archaeology, Art and Cultural
Heritage Conservation. Bogota,
Colombia. Abstract deadline: May 30 2013.
Contact: lasmac2013@gmail.com
17-19 October. Paleoamerican Odyssey. Santa Fe, NM, USA. General information: http://paleoamericanodyssey.com/index.html
27-30 October. The Geological
Society of America National Meeting. Denver CO, USA “Celebrating Advances in
Geosciences – Our Science, Societal Impact and Unique Thought Processes”. General information: http://www.geosociety.org/meetings/
27-30 October. ISCCL
& CIIC Meetings and Symposium, Canberra Australia. Symposium topic: Cultural Landscapes and
Cultural Routes in the 21st Century, Issues and Opportunities. General information: http://www.aicomos.com/2013-canberra-centenary/
28 October-1 November.
DIGITAL HERITAGE 2013 International Congress. Marseille, France. General information: http://www.digitalheritage2013.org
31 October-3 November. Imagined pasts…, imagined futures AUSTRALIA
ICOMOS 2013 National Conference. Canberra, Australia. General information: http://www.aicomos.com/2013-canberra-centenary/
20-23 November. American
Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD USA. General information: http://www.asor.org/am/index.html
20-24 November. American
Anthropological Association 111th Annual Meeting. “Future Publics, Current Engagements” Chicago, IL USA. General information: http://www.aaanet.org/meetings/
9-13 December. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San
Francisco, CA USA. General information: http://www.agu.org/meetings/. “Special
session on Aeolian Dust in Earth's Climate System” Abstracts due August 7 2013
December. Australian Archaeological Association Annual
Conference, Australia. General
information: http://www.australianarchaeologicalassociation.com.au/conference
8-12 January. Society for Historical Archaeology Conference
Montreal, Canada. General information: http://www.sha.org/meetings/annual_meetings.cfm
2-6 March. Pittcon Conference and Expo, Chicago, IL
USA. General information: http://www.pittcon.org/
16-20 March. 247th National
Meeting and Exposition, American Chemical Society. Dallas, TX USA. General
information: http://www.acs.org. Special session: ACS Archaeological Chemistry
19-24 March. REHAB 2014 International Conference on
Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings and
Structures. Tomar, Portugal. General information:
8-12 April. American Association of Physical
Anthropologists Annual Meeting. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. General information: http://physanth.org/annual-meeting/83rd-annual-meeting-2014
23-27 April. Society for
American Archaeology. 78th Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, USA. General
information: http://www.saa.org/Default.aspx?TabId=1419
15-17 May. Medieval
copper, bronze and brass: “History,
archaeology and archaeometry of the production of brass, bronze and other
copper alloy objects in medieval Europe (12th-16th centuries)” – Dinant-Namur Belgium.
General information: http://www.laitonmosan.org
May. International Symposium on
Archaeometry (ISA). Los Angeles, CA,
USA. General information: http://www.archaeometry2014.com Abstract deadline December 16 2013
8-13 June. 20th World Congress of Soil
Science. Jeju, Korea. General information: http://www.20wcss.org
June. New Zealand Archaeological Association Conference, Cambridge New
Zealand. General information: http://www.nzarchaeology.org/cms/index.php
10-12 September 2014. Synchrotron Radiation in Art and
Archaeology. Paris, France. General information: http://www.sr2a-2014.org
ReplyDeleteVanessa , thanks for your links.