Taylor poster award winners at the SAA

R.E. (Erv) Taylor is emeritus Professor of Anthropology, University of California at Riverside. He was a co-founder SAS, SAS Newsletter editor, SAS President, and SAS General Secretary from 1981-2002. He was the winner of the 2004 Fryxell Award for Interdisciplinary Research of the Society for American Archaeology, in recognition of the outstanding contributions in the development and application of radiocarbon dating to archaeological research.

SAS president Lopez Varella is  pleased to announce and to congratulate the winners of the R. E. Taylor Poster Award at the SAA 75th Anniversary Meeting in St Louis, MO.: 

Elizabeth Sonnenburg, Joseph Boyce, Eduard Reinhardt and Aubrey Cannon. "Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction and Water-Level Fluctuations: Implications for Understanding of Paleoindian and Archaic Archaeology in Southern Ontario". 

Dana Rosenstein and James Feathers. "Luminescence Dating of Samples from Recent Contexts in South Africa".

Both students will receive a free subscription to our SAS Bulletin and a $100 US bonus.

For more than a decade, receiving the Taylor Award has enhanced the career of those who are now prominent young scholars and professionals.
