SAS Bulletin Seeks New Editor

The Society for Archaeological Sciences is seeking an Editor-in-Chief for its quarterly publication, SAS Bulletin: Newsletter of the Society for Archaeological Sciences. For over 30 years, the SAS Bulletin has been an integral part of the SAS as a means to share information about the latest research in archaeological science as well as jobs, training, conferences, Society business, and other relevant news. The first Editor in 1977 was R. E. Taylor, who was followed in later years by Suzanne P. De Atley, George “Rip” Rapp Jr., Patrick E. Martin, Robert S. Sternberg, Christopher L. Nagle, Robert H. Tykot, and, since 2005, E. Christian Wells. The Editor is responsible for the Bulletin's content and publication schedule. To help in this effort, the Editor is joined by a group of associate editors, each with the responsibility to collect information about a different sector of archaeological science and to share this information with the Editor for publication in the Bulletin. The current areas of archaeological science covered in the Bulletin include: archaeological ceramics, archaeological chemistry, archaeometallurgy, bioarchaeology, dating, geoarchaeology, and remote sensing and GIS. There are also associate editors for book reviews and the meeting calendar. Copies of previously published issues are available on-line, The new Editor will mail their first issue (Volume 33, Number 1) to the membership on February 1, 2010. Please send inquiries and proposals to Christian Wells,


  1. It might be helpful to potential editors to give an idea of how many hours a week or year this role takes. Also, do you need to be handy with desk-top publishing software? Do you need to attend SAS general meetings, and, if so, who funds attendance?

  2. The pay isn't great, but you work with some good folks. When I did the job, I did use desktop publishing (Pagemaker) software, although I imagine you might manage with Microsoft Word. You need to submit a report for the annual meeting, and it certainly is a plus if you can attend. The editor does get a small annual office allowance of $200, and if you don't otherwise need it, you could use it to defray the costs of attending the meeting.

  3. I use Adobe PageMaker v. 7.0 for layout and printing, but I do all the preliminary editing in MS Word. Every so often someone will send me material for the Bulletin by email and I put it in a folder on my desktop until I'm ready to prepare the next issue. I usually commission the research articles based on conference papers I have heard or posters I have seen at national meetings. Then it takes me one full day (9-5) to edit everything and move it into PageMaker. It only takes a day because I'm very familiar with the software. In the beginning, it took me a whole week, since I was still figuring out how to use the software-- so there is a learning curve. When the document is ready, I ask a grad assistant to look it over to see if s/he can find any errors (and there are usually a few things I miss at first). Then it's off to the printer (I use a local copy shop; they do a great job and for much less $$ than some of the big chains), which takes three or four days. Now that the Post Office does addresses electronically, it is much easier to mail the issues. I just send them an Excel file with the addresses and they print them on the covers for me (I used to have to apply labels one by one). They are still working out some bugs in the system, but it works generally well. I always attend the SAS meetings when they are at SAA and occasionally during ISA (but I generally can't afford to go to many of those), but I don't think it is required.


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